Flynn outdid Mr.Grisham this time folks. I'm telling you reading this book was as delicious and delectable as plowing through the pages of our JK Rowling favorites. I literally could not put this book down. After almost 10 hours of reading, I finally decided my biological urges needed to take priority. I finished the book the next day and savored every second of it. If you like thriller or action movies, read this book. Okay, let's begin...
Meet Mitch Rapp, an ex-marine currently works for the special ops sect of the CIA. In other words, Rapp is from the old school. His methods of acquiring "intelligence" are a bit more physical than other legal alternatives. The book opens with a violent interrogation of Glen Adams, a federal agent suspected of treason. Adams had been caught giving out classified information to the press and conspiring to release a ton of government secrets on the REAL way the CIA operates. Rapp and his crew (other old school CIA'ers) grappled with whether or not to just knock off this guy or actually try to get useful honest information. All the while, trying to figure out how to cover their tracks. Just because the CIA operates under these less than humane measures, doesn't mean they are openly condoned. In other words, Adams (or someone that looks like him - a decoy) must be seen leaving the country or something else that explains his disappearance. We can't simply say....OH we knocked him off because he was a dirt bag. That wouldn't look too good on the CIA's record.
Let's back up a minute and let me get you up to date with what's just happened. Tensions are high because post-9/11, another terrorist attack has occurred on US soil. This attacked killed almost 20 including a some U.S. Senators. It took place right in the heart of DC. The government is searching for leads, the FBI hasn't come up with anything, the President is getting anxious to provide answers, and the CIA is using it's own "methods" to coerce information and follow their own trail. Fast forward back to Rapp and now you see the vehicle spurring his warpath.
One other key character should be detailed and that's Nash (his first name escapes me at the moment). Nash is also an ex-Marine working with the CIA. He's a part of Rapp's crew. They've known each other for years and have grown very close.Nash is married with 3 children. He's torn between having a balanced family life and performing his very undercover work for the CIA. In short, he's not home or mentally checked-in very much. During the recent attacks, he watched his secretary be blown to pieces. In fact, he still has shrapnel all over his body. He's pretty scarred by the experience and has began to shut down a bit. Nonetheless, he's in on the Adams job and supporting Rapp. Or at least, he does in the beginning...
The author jumps from perspective of a variety of characters. A few chapters from Rapps point of view. Then, a chapter thrown in from the terrorists point of view. Yup! That's right, he writes part of the book from the POV of the terrorists on the run from the attacks. They are a band of 3, Hakim, Kareem, and Ahmed. This pack of 3 presents an interesting trio! For starters, Kareem is the hot-headed "commander." He has the tactical sense to lead the attack. Ahmed is his faithful subordinate. Hakim is Kareem's childhood best friend. Hakim spent a few years in the States prior to the attacks while Kareem stayed in Afghanistan fighting the US Soldiers. Hakim wanted to absorb US culture and customs. He developed a love of reading American literature including authors such as Ernest Hemingway. Interesting, yes?! Kareem sees Hakim's seemingly genuine immersion in the "West" as polluting his mind. These two are on the run together. But, with Kareem's trigger happy attitude and general distrust of Westerners, he's delineated from the strategic escape plan Kareem has spent years putting together. This has led to a series of mistakes that ultimately leads to their demise. I'm purposely not ruining this part for you in case you decide to read.
The book chases Rapp, primarily, through his exploration of finding the culprits behind the attack, Kareem and his crew. It takes him into all sorts of political depths from press conferences, near death experiences, reflecting on the loss of his own wife and unborn child, foreign bank accounts, security deposit boxes, violent interrogation, Columbian drug cartel, and Russian mobsters.
The story comes to an action packed ending with Nash's oldest child, his daughter, held hostage by Kareem, in the center of Washington DC. SWAT team, FBI, CIA, et cetera are all there as this crazed maniac threatens to take the life of this little girl to show America he's NOT a coward!
Must read.... Ah! I held back so much in HOPES that you'd read it.
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